Normet has a wealth of expertise and experience in specialised products including Sprayed Concrete, face Support, Waterproofing Liner, Ground Water Control and Ground Consolidations chemicals.
Normet has taken a consistent and long-term perspective in development production with continuous investments in production methods.
Our production plants operate to ISO 9001, and we are actively working towards ISO 14001 and 18001 to further raise our environmental performance and enhanced safe working practices, whilst ensuring we have a sustainable and ethical supply chain.
Normet’s construction chemical production philosophy is to be “as global as possible, as local as necessary” which determines production plants in all regions, and increasingly centred on major tunnelling activity hubs, typically major global cities, and also where a high dominance of underground mining operations exist.
Normet produce all products in-house, and through our UK R&D Global Centre, coupled with our satellite R&D activities worldwide, able to differentiate and improve performance by tailoring the right chemistry and solutions for local customers’ needs.